Tuesday, August 7, 2012


In my Mind Over Matters Workshop we fine-tune our attitudes with "THE BIG PICTURE." Whenever we seem "stuck", hyper-focusing or "looping" the same thoughts in our minds, why not see this particular time as... one piece of the puzzle that is the entire story of our life. 

When we have this awareness we can bring a new and powerful perspective on what seems to be an overwhelming problem. Our thoughts have an immediate effect on our body. Feeling stuck is being in a state-of-contraction (tightness). Our muscles will begin to tighten up (shoulders, neck, lower back), blood vessels will constrict (headaches), our digestive organs will become sluggish (stomach-ache, indigestion). HELP IS ON THE WAY... by consciously remembering this specific time is a small piece of the entire picture of your journey; you'll create a feeling of expansiveness. And the body will be in a state-of-ease.

Here's a helpful TIP to remember this concept. When in this "stuck space" you can hold or visualize a jigsaw puzzle piece in your hand. This will change the thought pattern and bring awareness back to the BIG PICTURE.

"In reality... the only thing we can really control is our attitude." MOM