Monday, August 17, 2009

~ Mmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

Imagine how different our world would be... if we "saw" the human form as vessels of precious energy. MOM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

~ MOM's JSIT Hall of Fame

In my April 12th post, I introduce the concept of being a "Joyous-Savant-In-Training. (Click here for post.)

Laughter cleanses the body from toxins lodged in the bottom of our lungs and it also releases endorphins; those incredible uplifting, mood elevators.

Click here to meet "Sunflower Priestess."

Monday, August 3, 2009

~ Nathan's Tea Tonic for Men

Here's a great inexpensive, insurance policy that tastes good and will help support your system. Take a few moments from your busy day either in the evening as you create a meditation by making your daily herbal brew.

Loose, bulk teas are the most beneficial and if you don't have an herb store in your community you can order online. Click on the asterik* next to each ingredient for a link on the healing properties. Sipping a large cup of tea is a soothing way to take great care of yourself. MOM

Ingredients: (1-2 months supply)
Nettles*~ 2 ounces
Red Clover * ~ 2 ounces
Oatstraw *~ 1 ounce
Hops *~1 ounce
Peppermint* ~ 1 ounce
Alfalfa * ~ 1 ounce

1) Place 4-5 tablespoons in a glass quart jar
2) Pour almost boiling water over herbs and fill to top
3) Close and let steep overnight
4) Strain in the morning
5) Put into water bottle and drink throughout the day / or divide into 3-4 cups. Can be hot or cold.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

~ MOM's JSIT Hall of Fame

In my April 12th post, I introduce the concept of being a "Joyous-Savant-In-Training. (Click here for post.) Laughter cleanses the body from toxins lodged in the bottom of our lungs and it also releases endorphins; those incredible uplifting, mood elevators. We've been blessed with talented comics through the decades. Many of my younger clients haven't had the opportunity to see them in action.

Today, MOM'S COSMIC DINER welcomes the cast of the Seinfeld Show.