Friday, April 16, 2010

~ Mom's Stress Busting Tip

We often forget to breathe deeply during the day. The full breath is an easy way to release stress and the harmful effects of the fight or flight syndrome.

In my Mind Over Matters Workshop I teach my students Nadi Sudi, the “alternate nostril breath”.

Nadi Sudi is a beautiful breath allowing oxygen and prana (energy) to flow evenly to both hemispheres of the brain. We tend to favor one nostril as we breathe during the day producing an uneven balance in the energy flow to the brain. When breathing through the left nostril the brain’s right hemisphere is being nourished. The right hemisphere houses emotions and creative thought. When breathing through the right nostril the brain’s left hemisphere is being nourished. The left hemisphere houses linear and logical thought. This is why it’s important to establish an equal balance during the day. Nadi Sudi will calm the nervous system and create a crystal clear mind.

Before you begin please blow your nose…so there’s a clean, open passage for the breath. One again, sit comfortably with a straight spine and chin parallel to the floor. Close or soft focus the eyes. Bend the right elbow and allow the right arm to rest comfortably on the chest.

Take the 2nd & 3rd fingers with the pads facing your features; place the fingers above and between the eyebrows and midway up on the forehead.

1) Allow the thumb to gently close the right nostril and slowly exhale (chest down to abdomen) to the count of 8 through the left nostril).

2) Inhale (abdomen up to chest) to the count of 4.

3) Allow the 4th finger to close the left nostril (both nostrils are now closed).

4) Release the thumb and SLOWLY exhale to the count of 4 (chest down to abdomen)

5) Inhale through right nostril for 4 beats.

6) Thumb closes right nostril; both nostrils are closed.

7) Release left nostril, exhale for 8 beats… inhale for 4 beats.

8) Close both…hold breathe.

9) Open right nostril, exhale 8 beats… inhale for 4 beats.

10) Close both…hold breath and continue.

When you practice Nadi Sudi, keep the face relaxed. The breath is quiet and soft. If your right arm tires, take your left hand and support your right elbow.