Tuesday, March 3, 2015


For over 40 years, I've been a student and teacher of the amazing exercise known as Tai Chi Ch'uan... "the movement of inner energy." We all experience the activity of muscle energy however, there's another way to move the body that also boosts the immune system, initiates the relaxation response, calms and clears the mind, releases tension from 
shoulders/neck, and creates balance in all ways. 

Besides maintaining a proactively, high level of health, Tai Chi also assists people at any age who are recovering from: rotator cuff injuries, balance, diabetes, stress-related illnesses, digestive tract issues, Fibromyalgia, strengthening muscles/ligaments and building bone density after recovery from breaks, arthritis, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, etc.

However, most importantly, Tai Chi is the pathway to one's higher-self aka inner wisdom. Imagine the gift of quieting the mind while softly moving the body. 

Click on the below links to a few medical studies and the healing benefits Tai Chi offers at any age.

Restore, Realign, Relax and Recharge with Tai Chi and...
"May the chi be with you." MOM

Click below to follow Mom teaching Wu Style Tai Chi


Are you holding on to something that's just not working in your life? A belief, person, job, glommer * or an attitude that's holding you back? If so, here's a great image to help you release the negativity. Visualize your hand squeezed tight as it's holding a ball until it hurts. Then begin to open each finger allowing the ball to fall away. Feel the total release of constriction in your hand. Now you're ready to catch something great that's coming your way.

*Glommers is my description on what happens to our souls as we grow-up on Planet Earth. As children we often accept negative descriptions and/or actions from others and adopt them as our own truths. These "glommers" are like sticky scales that attach one by one onto our psyche. (When in this state we look as if we're related to armadillos.)

Through daily practices like: yoga, tai chi, mindfulness, moving, sitting and laughing meditation we can begin to release each glommer... the gift is the incredible lightness of being and BE-IN one with your higher-self.