Tuesday, August 28, 2012


We offer an eclectic, musical mix at Mom's Cosmic Diner.
Here's one of my favorites. MOM

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Scrumptious Broccoli Soup (4 servings)
6 cups water or vegetable stock
4 cups broccoli flowerettes (Click here for benefits)
1 medium onion chopped
1 cup raw cashews, roasted (in frying pan on medium heat until golden)
3/4 cup celery, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon garlic, minced
2 teaspoons celtic salt (to taste)
1 teaspoon fresh dill minced
pinch red pepper flakes

Add water or stock, broccoli, onion, celery and garlic to a large pot .
Cook over medium/high heat until all vegetables are soft, stir occasionally.
Remove from heat, cool 10-15 minutes.
Place in blender, add roasted cashews, blend until texture is creamy. (Blend in batches: starting with low speed then increasing until smooth).
Return to pot, add remaining ingredients and stir well.


Thursday, August 23, 2012


"Life is like shifting sands and... sometimes you need a snorkel." MOM

Monday, August 20, 2012


An early Tai Chi master once wrote... "The ultimate purpose of learning Tai Chi was to live forever in the spring season of your life."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


In my Mind Over Matters Workshop we fine-tune our attitudes with "THE BIG PICTURE." Whenever we seem "stuck", hyper-focusing or "looping" the same thoughts in our minds, why not see this particular time as... one piece of the puzzle that is the entire story of our life. 

When we have this awareness we can bring a new and powerful perspective on what seems to be an overwhelming problem. Our thoughts have an immediate effect on our body. Feeling stuck is being in a state-of-contraction (tightness). Our muscles will begin to tighten up (shoulders, neck, lower back), blood vessels will constrict (headaches), our digestive organs will become sluggish (stomach-ache, indigestion). HELP IS ON THE WAY... by consciously remembering this specific time is a small piece of the entire picture of your journey; you'll create a feeling of expansiveness. And the body will be in a state-of-ease.

Here's a helpful TIP to remember this concept. When in this "stuck space" you can hold or visualize a jigsaw puzzle piece in your hand. This will change the thought pattern and bring awareness back to the BIG PICTURE.

"In reality... the only thing we can really control is our attitude." MOM

Sunday, August 5, 2012


A Mom's Spiritual Lesson
Once upon a time there was a little boy who adored his father and shared his Dad's passion for fancy cars. The father worked long hours for many years so he could buy the car of his dreams. One evening when the boy was ten years old he heard an unfamiliar honk from the driveway. When he looked out his bedroom window he saw his father in a shiny, new German vehicle. He flew down the stairs... there stood his mother by the front door. She embraced him and whispered in his ear, "Remember, cars don't hug."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Are you holding on to something that's just not working in your life? A belief, person, job, learned behavior *(glommer) or an attitude that's holding you back? If so, here's a great image to help you release the negativity. Visualize your hand squeezed tight as it's holding a ball until it hurts. Then begin to open each finger allowing the ball to fall away. Feel the total release of constriction in your hand. Now you're ready to catch something great that's coming your way.

*Glommer is my description on what happens to our souls as we grow-up on Planet Earth. As children we often accept negative descriptions and/or actions from others and adopt them as our own truths. These "glommers" are like sticky scales that attach one by one onto our psyche. (When in this state we look as if we're related to armadillos.)

Through daily practices like: yoga, tai chi, mindfulness, moving, sitting and laughing meditation we can begin to release each glommer... the gift is the incredible lightness of being and BE-IN one with your higher-self.