Saturday, May 30, 2009

~ MOM's JISIT Hall of Fame

In my April 12th posting "Give me a J...." I introduce the concept of being a Joyous-Idiot-Savant-In-Training. Laughter cleanses the body from toxins lodged in the bottom of our lungs and it also releases endorphines, those incredible uplifting, mood elevators. We've been blessed with talented comics through the decades. So many of my younger clients haven't had the opportunity to see them in action. Today, MOM'S COSMIC DINER welcomes Abbot and Costello.

Click on the above title to watch.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

~ Today's Menu Special

New World Avocado Dip   Serves 2-4 people 
2 ripe large avocados
1 large onion chopped
1 cup diced tomatoes
1/4 cup  lemon juice (optional)
Olive Oil
1-3 teaspoons Braggs Amino Acids (depends on how salty your taste-buds are)

In medium size bowl mash up avocados then add and mix in lemon juice... put aside.
Heat olive oil in frying pan add onion and tomatoes with Braggs Amino Acids, saute until onions are translucent. 
Add to avocados and stir.
Pepper to taste.

Serve on bed of arugula, garnish with a sprigs of parsley.
Great with crackers, bread or sliced veggies.

Avocados are amazing fruits and here's why...
  • This fruit is jammed packed with nutrients! Avocados are a good source of vitamin K (36% DV), dietary fiber (29% DV), vitamin B6 (20% DV), vitamin C (19% DV) and copper (19% DV).
  • One cup of avocado has 23% of your DV for folate, a nutrient important for heart health.
  • Avocados are sodium and cholesterol free.
  • The avocado, pound for pound, has more energy than unprocessed meat.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

~ Mmmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

"Life is like shifting sands but... sometimes you need a snorkel." MOM

Monday, May 18, 2009

~ The BIG Picture

In my Mind Over Matters Workshop we fine-tune our attitudes with "THE BIG PICTURE". Whenever we seem "stuck", hyper-focusing or "looping" the same thoughts in our minds, why not see this particular time as... one piece of the puzzle that is the entire story of our life. 

When we have this awareness we can bring a new and powerful perspective on what seems to be an overwhelming problem. Our thoughts have a immediate effect on our body. Feeling stuck is being in a state-of-contraction (tightness). Our muscles will begin to tighten up (shoulders, neck, lower back), blood vessels will constrict (headaches), our digestive organs will become sluggish (stomach-ache, indigestion). HELP IS ON THE WAY... by consciously remembering this specific time is a small piece of the entire picture of your journey; you'll create a feeling of expansiveness. And the body will be in a state-of-ease.

Here's a helpful TIP to remember this concept. When in this "stuck space" you can hold or visualize a jigsaw puzzle piece in your hand. This will change the thought pattern and bring awareness back to the BIG PICTURE.

"In reality... the only thing we can really control is our attitude." MOM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

~ Today's Menu Special

Portobello Mushrooms Stuffed with Tofu / Parsley Sauce

Preheat oven 375 degrees

1 portobello mushroom per person 
2 cups of tofu /crumbled
1 large onion / chopped
2 "handfuls" parsley / chopped
Olive oil
1 cup walnut pieces
1 cup water
1-2 tablespoons oregano
1-3 tablespoons Tamari or Bragg's Aminio Acids (more depending on taste buds)
Pepper to taste
1 pear chopped (optional)

Clean mushroom top with slightly damp paper towel then tap mushroom to release any debris or scoop out inside of portobello. Lightly coat both sides with olive oil.
Set aside (cap down) in baking dish.

Coat frying pan with olive oil and heat on medium/high. Add chopped onion and 1 1/2 tablespoons Tamari. Stir for 1 minute then add crumbled tofu, oregano to onions, stir well and continue to cook for 2 minutes. Add parsley and 1  1/2 tablespoons of Tamari and black pepper. Add 1/2 cup water and continue to cook for 1 minute. Add walnuts stir and cook on medium heat for 1 minute. (You may want to add some water if there isn't enough liquid.) Remove from heat add chopped pear and stir. 

Stuff portobello mushroom with mixture. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until mushrooms are tender.
Serve on bed of salad greens mixed with Balsamic Vinegar. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

~ Mmmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

"It takes a lifetime to release the mask." MOM

Sunday, May 10, 2009

~ Mmmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

   "Out of mouth...
      Out of mind..."

"A sense-of-humor helps as we age." MOM

And to all you special MOMS here, there, everywhere ~ especially you, Claudine... Thank you for gently sprinkling this world with sparkling, light energy and LOVE.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

~ A is for Attitude

My yoga teacher, Swami Satchidananda's teachings were succinct yet profound. One of my favorite visuals for attitude adjustments is the following:

Whenever you point your finger (physically/mentally) at someone as you place blame on them, take a moment to observe that hand.
  • The thumb is pointing upwards reminding you there's a higher power.
  • One finger (index) is pointing away from you.
  • Three fingers are pointing back to you.
MAJORITY RULES! Look at yourself and how you can fine-tune your attitude.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

~ Mmmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

"Laughter is like a cosmic, champagne bottle uncorked..." MOM

Coming soon to our diner ~ Every Saturday evening, join us for a Laughing Meditation with MOM. It's a great way to bubble-up your inner sparkle.

Click on above title and join in the laughter with "Sunflower Priestess". (MOM says she's a total JISIT!)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

~ Chapter 2: A Housewife’s Spiritual Journey and the Teachers She's Met Along the Way

Tai chi is often described as the grandfather of all the martial arts. I remember sitting in class when one of my fellow students asked Mrs. Chow what he should do if someone were to attack him from behind. Mrs. Chow was quiet for a moment, then looked at him with a serious expression as she loudly exclaimed, “You run!”

After our laughter subsided she explained, “We’re not here to learn how to fight. But if you need tai chi for defense, it will be there for you.”

Many years later, one of my fellow classmates came home from work and was letting her three Rottweiler dogs into the house from the backyard. The last dog unexpectedly attacked her. She ended up in the hospital with severe bite wounds on both her arms requiring over 100 stitches.

When I visited her in the hospital, she told me tai chi saved her life. As the dog lunged toward her, he aimed for her throat and chest. Without thinking, she found herself doing “Repulse the Monkey,” a series of steps that involve the constant raising of one’s arms to cover the face and torso area while stepping back. I finally understood the wisdom in Mrs. Chow’s comment all those years before.

To "meet" Mrs. and Mr. Chow and listen to an audio interview, scroll down on right-side and click on their photo.

Monday, May 4, 2009

"Beam me up Scotty" MOM's take on Meditation

Plugging into a higher source, physical stillness, witnessing thoughts, releasing stress, daily mini-vacation from challenges, recharging mind, resting, finding answers, holding hands with your soul...

What would you pay for PEACE-OF-MIND? The good news is credit cards are not necessary, only a little bit of discipline can positively change your life forever.

In my Mind Over Matters Workshop, I introduce the many forms of meditation: seated, moving, contemplative and laughing. The wise sages realized there are many paths to the same oasis. 

Dr. Candace Pert while working at the National Institute of Health revealed to the world that humans think sixty-thousand thoughts every day. Every thought releases a chemical into the body. The chemical released by negative thoughts eventually causes dis-ease. The positive thoughts support the body. 

So, here we are living life and swimming in a soup of chemicals. The novice meditator will begin to observe the thoughts rising up into the mind. In the beginning it can be off-putting but this is actually a service. 

RULE # 1 to live a happier life: Possessing a proactive, productive attitude. We live our life as control freaks. And are like boxers in a ring being knocked around when outside forces wreak havoc on our life. The only control we actually have is the big "A" ~ our attitude.  

We only can alter our attitudes if we understand the need for this change. A meditator brings more consciousness into life. This consciousness becomes attitude adjusters.

Why not take 5 minutes everyday and initiate your meditation practice? You can even begin with my seated, deep relaxation. (Click on my photo on right-side.)

In future posts I'll be guiding you in the various meditation techniques. I'll be waving my silvery, light-sparked, cosmic pom-poms with a huge grin as I cheer you on towards your inner peace. Stay-tuned... life is a wondrous, spirit-filled journey.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Spring has sprung and so have the allergies associated with this season of cleansing and rebirth.  I never had allergies before I moved to Northern California where we're blessed with seven micro-climates and it seems as though Mother Nature is alive and well. 

The plant allergies affect my eyes more than my sinuses. I would take Wellesley (our mascot) for his daily walk and we'd often find ourselves in town.  I would constantly be wiping the tears from my watery eyes. If you have read my other posts you probably realize I'm pretty friendly. I actually like to speak with people waiting on line in my local coffee shop. I would find myself beginning the conversation with " I'm really happy and my eyes are weeping with joy" as I dabbed away the tears.

Since using the neti pot first thing in the morning ~ I'm tear free. It's a miracle attaining relief without prescription drugs. And by flushing out your sinus cavity you're helping your immune system fight off colds. 

All you need is: 
  • Distilled water
  • Neti pot 
  • Sinus/saline solution (easily found on internet or health store) 
  • Sink
  • Tissues 
  • Sense-of-humor
You can view a demonstration on how to use your Mighty Little Neti by clicking on the above title.

And remember what MOM says...
"It couldn't hurt!"