Saturday, June 27, 2009

~ MOM's JISIT Hall of Fame

In my April 12th post, I introduce the concept of being a

"Joyous-Idiot-Savant-In-Training. (Click here for post)

Laughter cleanses the body from toxins lodged in the bottom of our lungs and it also releases endorphins; those incredible uplifting, mood elevators. We've been blessed with talented comics through the decades. Many of my younger clients haven't had the opportunity to see them in action.

Today, MOM'S COSMIC DINER welcomes Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant in a clip from their 1938 movie, Bringing Up Baby. Take a look at Katherine's shoes.... styles are cyclical!

Click here for trailer.

Friday, June 26, 2009

~ Today's Menu Special

Summertime Fare

Beans, Rice and Vegetables

Adzuki Bean Soup (Click on title for nutritional benefits)
Serves 4-6
2 cups Adzuki beans
Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil
8 cups water
1 strip Kombu Seaweed (helps to dispel gas)
2 large carrots cut into 1/2 moons
1 large onion chopped
3 stalks celery chopped
3/4 parsley chopped
1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger root grated
3 garlic cloves minced
2 tablespoons Braggs Amino Acids
2-4 tablespoons Mellow Miso

Wash beans, drain well; put aside.
In large soup pot, saute onions in olive oil on medium-high heat; until onions are translucent.
Place beans, water, kombu, garlic, carrots, celery and Braggs Amino Acids in pot. Bring to boil for 10 minutes, cover and cook on medium-low heat for 45 minutes or until adzuki beans are soft.
Turn off heat; when soup is simmered add miso and cup of soup in blender.
Blend and stir liquid back into soup.
Garnish with parsley.

Long Brown Rice and Pumpkin Seeds
2 cups rice
1/2 pumpkin seeds
2 1/2 cups water
Rinse rice.
Bring rice, pumpkin seeds to boil. Lower flame, cover and simmer for 45 minutes.
Serve rice with vegetables on top.

Steamed Kale and Daikon
1 bunch organic Kale, washed and sliced
1 large Daikon Root, washed and sliced.
1/2 cup water

Place kale, and daikon in stainless steel or bamboo steamer; bring water to boil.
Steam vegetables for 8- 10 minutes until kale is green and crisp.
Remove, mix vegetables and serve on rice with Tamari Ginger Sauce.

Tamari Ginger Sauce
1 cup water
1 cup tamati
1 tablespoon, fresh grated ginger.
Heat mildly and serve on vegetables.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

~ Wellesley's SUNDAY FUNNY

Wellesely's* SUNDAY FUNNY is now our weekly comic strip.
*(MOM's Mascot)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

~ Mmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

An observation....

Each of us no matter who we are or what we do, are all on a spiritual journey. And with this shift of consciousness we begin to “see” how everyday we are meeting teachers and are learning lessons. In doing so we can begin to fully embrace the magic of our lives here on earth.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

~ Wellesley's SUNDAY FUNNY

Wellesely's* SUNDAY FUNNY is now our weekly comic strip.
 *(MOM's Mascot)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

~ MOM's JISIT Hall of Fame

In my April 12th posting "Give me a J...." I introduce the concept of being a Joyous-Idiot-Savant-In-Training (Click here for previous post). Laughter cleanses the body from toxins lodged in the bottom of our lungs and it also releases endorphines; those incredible uplifting, mood elevators. We've been blessed with talented comics through the decades. Many of my younger clients haven't had the opportunity to see them in action. 
Today, MOM'S COSMIC DINER welcomes Betty Hutton and Eddie Bracken in the 1944 movie trailer Miracle of Morgan's Creek.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

~ Mmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

Just a thought... 

"Fingerprints are the soul's signature" MOM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

~ Mmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

FYI: The Car = Your Life

So there you are in your car's driver's seat, barreling down a windy road. You're busy turning the steering wheel left to right when you realize it isn't attached to the vehicle. Mmmm...  perhaps it's  time to STOPLET GO and TRUST in your HIGHER POWER ; who happens to be a great mechanic.

Monday, June 8, 2009

~ Today's Menu Special

Mellow Yellow Squash Soup
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 large sweet onions~chopped
8 yellow squash~chopped
1 leek~chopped
7 garlic cloves~chopped
5 sprigs lemon thyme
6 cups low/sodium-free chicken broth or vegetable broth
1/2 - 1 tsp. Celtic salt to taste
4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 
Goat Gouda cheese shaved, pine-nuts and chopped parsley for garnish

In a large soup pot, heat olive oil~medium heat.
Add onions, leek and cook; stirring until onions are translucent and soft.
Add squash and leaves of lemon thyme~cook, stirring for 5 minutes.
Increase heat to medium-high; add broth, salt and garlic.
Cook with partially covered pot at low boil for 25 minutes until the squash is soft.
Allow soup to cool and puree in covered blender; return to pot and heat.
Add lemon juice.
Garnish with cheese, pine-nuts and parsley.
Makes 8 cups

Click on above title for a description Yellow Squash's nutritional value.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

~ Wellesley's SUNDAY FUNNY

Wellesely's SUNDAY FUNNY is now our weekly comic strip. Above is MOM'S COSMIC DINER's mascot and his favorite cartoonist.

Click on above title for a romp in the Bark Park.

Monday, June 1, 2009


So here I am walking my walk, talking my talk, blogging my blog... yet, something is amiss. At the glorious age of sixty I'm needing to pay more attention to my spine. And if you're younger than me please don't scroll away from this post. More than ever, younger people have bad posture from the hours spent sitting in front of the computer with the screen lower than eye level.

Our spinal column is the brain's direct and most efficient "information" expressway; messages travel to the rest of the body as it maintains radiant health. When we have straight spines our chest cavity is opened and our internal organs are positioned correctly and can function to their optimum capacity. Consider the alternative; when the back is rounded the shoulders come forward, squeezing and constricting the inner organs. 

Before I teach my yoga, tai chi and meditation classes, I always instruct my students on how to create perfect posture:
  • Toes and heals are aligned with ankles under hip bones.
  • Weight sinking into heels as if standing in wet sand.
  • Shoulders are comfortably hinged to the torso and arms are totally relaxed.
  • Chin is level to ground and gently pushed back as if resting on a soft cloud.
  • Eyes looking forward as you scan (not downward).
  • Navel is pulled back and gently lifted upwards to create a lift through each vertebrae through top of head.
  • Toes and heals are aligned flat on floor with ankles under kneecaps.
  • Shoulders are comfortably hinged to the torso and arms are totally relaxed.
  • Chin is level to ground and gently pushed back as if resting on a soft cloud.
  • Eyes looking forward as you scan (not downward).
  • Navel is pulled back and gently lifted upwards to create a lift through each vertebrae through top of head. (Don't lean back into chair).
I have a theory... as we age we begin to "fold" forward into the fetal position. I don't know about you but I rather look at the heavens than at my feet.

By bringing this consciousness to the body and making corrections throughout the day will help you to STRAIGHTEN UP and FLY RIGHT!

Click on above title for background music as you correct your posture.