Tuesday, January 31, 2012


For over 40 years, I've been a student and teacher of the amazing exercise known as Tai Chi Ch'uan... "the movement of inner energy". We all experience the activity of muscle energy however, there's another way to move the body that also boosts the immune system, initiates the relaxation response, calms and clears the mind, releases tension from shoulders/neck, and creates balance in all ways. 

Besides maintaining a proactively, high level of health, Tai Chi also assists people at any age who are recovering from: rotator cuff injuries, balance, diabetes, stress-related illnesses, digestive tract issues, Fibromyalgia, strengthening muscles/ligaments and building bone density after recovery from breaks, arthritis, high blood pressure, stroke,heart disease, etc.

However, most importantly, Tai Chi is the pathway to one's higher-self aka inner wisdom. Imagine the gift of quieting the mind while softly moving the body. 

Click on the below links to medical studies and the healing benefits Tai Chi offers at any age.

Restore, Realign, Relax and Recharge with Tai Chi and...
"May the chi be with you." MOM

*Click here for my Tai Chi for Enlighteners website

Below is a link to MOM teaching Wu Round Form to some of her advanced studetns...

Saturday, January 28, 2012


" A fingerprint is the signature of the soul."MOM

(If any of MOM'S COSMIC DINER's computer-wiz clients wants to investigate this ...let me know.)

Thursday, January 19, 2012


It takes time and conscious effort to live a healthy lifestyle. Our culture is geared to "immediate gratification." So why am I on a "soapbox" in front of MOM'S COSMIC DINER inviting you to stop for a moment and think about the rewards of being on a spiritual, physical, mental and emotional path that will serve you well throughout your life?

Because it's an insurance policy that will support the body in times of stress, illness, and the challenges of change.'

I describe this as walking through the front door of "proactive time." You have the choice to gift yourself with proactive time every day. There are many paths to choose from: tai chi, yoga, meditation, pilates, a walk in nature, etc.

You'll be able to slide-by on youthful energy for many years, however, eventually the day will come when you'll be spending many hours going through the back door of "reactive time." Time spent in doctor's offices, hospitals and dealing with insurance claims.

It's all about being aware that TIME is a commodity.
You have a choice.

Well it's time for me to get back to the diner and fire up that old Wolf Stove. Looking forward to seeing you at your favorite booth.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


"Pssst... the only thing we can actually control in life is our attitude." MOM

Thursday, January 12, 2012


When someone is annoying and you don't want to slip into being reactive. Take time-out and visualize yourself with masking tape across your mouth that has a painted smile. 

Monday, January 9, 2012


It's a New Year and this is what's written on January's Menu at MOM'S COSMIC DINER...

"Intentions wrapped in ritual creates  manifestations." MOM

Friday, January 6, 2012


Everything man-made in our world was once a thought. These thoughts are constantly streaming through our minds and have the power to manifest into an action and/or a creation. 

The way to harness this power is to have clarity on what it is we choose to attract or create. If you ever had any doubt about the importance of meditating think about the power of your thoughts. 

We're energetic, magnetic beings and are constantly attracting like-minded people to ourselves. Look around you... are you surrounding yourself with positive up-beat people or are you attracting negativity? 

One way to harness your power is to turn off your TV, IPAD, computer games, etc. and become an inward explorer. In a previous posting "BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY"* I wrote about the many paths to meditation. Meditation is concentrating on one object and continuing to train the mind to "return" to this focal point. You can meditate by sitting still, breathing and watching the breath, or walking in nature and being one with the sounds, smells, and sights that Mother Earth so graciously bestows. It can even be washing the dishes or car and focusing on the movements of hands, sudsy soap formations, and sounds of splashing water. 

It's all about stopping the fleeting thoughts and in doing so, warping time and space to a slower pace. This is the pathway to the quiet and contemplative place within you. This inner, core space of peace and serenity is your "power-source" as you connect with awareness and positive energy. If you commit to this practice for just 5 minutes every day for 2 weeks you will notice a shift in your thinking.

If you continue... your entire life will forever be transformed as you learn to harness the ability to manifest with clarity.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Next time you're about to add yet another "thing" into your day like: taking on an additional task or going out socially where the fit isn't right, etc. It might be a great time to take a deep breath and think about this metaphor:

"Is this one too many spice to add to the stew?" MOM

Monday, January 2, 2012


We're serving delicious, nutty tasting hot oat groats for breakfast here at the diner. Oat groats like all whole grains will give your body fuel and warmth in the cold winter months. It can be eaten with fruit, rice milk and your favorite sweetener or with a pinch of salt, pepper and olive oil. It's chewy and a wonderful way to start your day.

MOM'S COSMIC DINER'S Oat Groats Recipe:
serves 2-3 
1 cup oat groats (rinsed in colander)
2 cups water
Place the above in a medium-size sauce pot and bring to boil.  
Then reduce heat to low/simmer and cover.
Cook for 20 minutes.
Drain any remaining water from pot.
Serve hot and enjoy!
Nutritional Value:
Like oatmeal, it is a low carbohydrate yet high protein whole grain food source. Since its bran layer is intact, unlike oatmeal (rolled oat groats), it takes longer for digestive enzymes to break it down. Slower digestion creates stable blood sugar levels, and a longer-lasting, steady flow of energy. It is rich in Iron, Selenium, Zinc, and Vitamin E. 

You can buy whole oat groats in all health food stores and now even some chain supermarkets are selling this wonderful nutritious whole grain.