Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meditation State-of-Mind

Breathe deeply,

become one with the breath.

Then step aside and listen.

Hear the silence,

feel the inner quiet,

and the peace that is you.

Click here for MOM'S Seated Deep Relaxation

Monday, July 27, 2009

~ Penelope's Tea Tonic for Women

Here's a great inexpensive, insurance policy that tastes good and will help support your system. Take a few moments from your busy day either in the evening as you create a meditation by making your daily herbal brew.

Loose, bulk teas are the most beneficial and if you don't have an herb store in your community you can order online. Click on the asterik* next to each ingredient for a link on the healing properties. Sipping a large cup of tea is a soothing way to take great care of yourself. MOM

Ingredients: (1-2 months supply)
Nettles*~ 2 ounces
Calendala * ~ 1/2 ounce
Oatstraw *~ 2 ounces
Raspberry Leaf *~ 2 ounces
Peppermint* ~ 1 ounce
Alfalfa *~ 2 ounces

1) Place 4-5 tablespoons in a glass quart jar
2) Pour almost boiling water over herbs and fill to top
3) Close and let steep overnight
4) Strain in the morning
5) Put into water bottle and drink throughout the day / or divide into 3-4 cups. Can be hot or cold.

Monday, July 20, 2009

~ A is for Attitude

In my Mind Over Matters Workshop I teach many techniques on how to achieve a balanced, happier and creative life. One of my golden rules is "The only real control we have in our life is our attitude".

SO, the next time that negative inner voice says "NO" just spin those two letters around to... "I'm ON it!" MOM

Click here for more info on Mind Over Matters

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

~ Mmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

A Mom's Spiritual Lesson
Once upon a time there was a little boy who adored his father and shared his Dad's passion for fancy cars. The father worked long hours for many years so he could buy the car of his dreams. One evening when the boy was ten years old he heard an unfamiliar honk from the driveway. When he looked out his bedroom window he saw his father in a shiny, new German vehicle. He flew down the stairs... there stood his mother by the front door. She embraced him and whispered in his ear, "Remember, cars don't hug".

Monday, July 13, 2009

~ TODAY'S Menu Special

Scrumptious Broccoli Soup (4 servings)
6 cups water or vegetable stock
4 cups broccoli flowerettes (Click here for benefits)
1 medium onion chopped
1 cup raw cashews, roasted (in frying pan on medium heat until golden)
3/4 cup celery, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon garlic, minced
2 teaspoons celtic salt (to taste)
1 teaspoon fresh dill minced
pinch red pepper flakes

Add water or stock, broccoli, onion, celery and garlic to a large pot .
Cook over medium/high heat until all vegetables are soft, stir occasionally.
Remove from heat, cool 10-15 minutes.
Place in blender, add roasted cashews, blend until texture is creamy. (Blend in batches: starting with low speed then increasing until smooth).
Return to pot, add remaining ingredients and stir well.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

~ Wellesley's SUNDAY FUNNY

~ MOM's JISIT Hall of Fame

In my April 12th post, I introduce the concept of being a "Joyous-Idiot-Savant-In-Training. (Click here for post.) Laughter cleanses the body from toxins lodged in the bottom of our lungs and it also releases endorphins; those incredible uplifting, mood elevators. We've been blessed with talented comics through the decades. Many of my younger clients haven't had the opportunity to see them in action.

Today, MOM'S COSMIC DINER welcomes NUK, NUK! WHO'S THERE? The Three Stooges... Moe, Larry and Curly.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Smell the Basil
The weather is amazing and it's my day off... so here's an aromatic household tip.
~ Put a handful of fresh herbs (stems and leaves) in a glass of water and place on the refrigerator shelve. ~ MOM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

~ Recession as a Meditation Teacher

As humans our five senses are continuously grasping for perceived desires and pleasures as well as life-supporting needs. Meditation is taking time out and discovering an inner universe of tranquility, wisdom, compassion and empathy.

It seems to me when in a recession we're forced to take control of our desires, whittle out the extraneous and bring in only what is necessary.

This economic downturn will eventually shift. However, at this time we can glean spiritual lessons and create a new economic paradigm for ourselves. Do we want to be mindless, over-zealous consumers? Or become conscious of how we use the resources of our beautiful-jewel and life-supporting spaceship, "Mother Earth" as she travels through the outer cosmos. MOM

Monday, July 6, 2009

~ Many Lives

My friend and mentor, Sachi* is a gifted healer; one of her gifts is facilitating Past Life Regressions. I know it's hard for many people to "buy" into the concept of reincarnation. However, if you're curious about this topic, I suggest you read Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss.

Here's my observation as I was regressed for the first time, twenty years ago. It felt as if I was watching a movie in my mind. I was having a vivid, mental, experience as a Native American. I was a young male about 18 years old and living in the Southwest. I saw "myself" perched high at the edge of a mesa, in a squatting position. I sat there for hours as I patiently gazed and scanned the horizon. As this regression was unfolding the "present" me was thinking what is he looking for? I didn't have clue.

After this thought, I again found myself observing through the eyes of this young man and in the distance I saw a faint hint of beige dust. I watched the direction of and how the dust was becoming larger; billowing upward from the earth. I had found a herd of animals and it was time to alert my fellow warriors, so we could hunt and provide food for our tribe.

The insights from that experience were quite amazing. As a male I was concentrating on the horizon for hours at a time. I was with myself, not talking, just observing. This has helped me understand my husband's behavior. He doesn't like to multi-task, which is quite natural to me. He's quiet where I seem to chitter and chatter throughout the day. It's not that he's ignoring me, we're just genetically wired in different ways. And I finally understood why.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

~ TODAY'S Menu Special

Pesto with Rice Pasta

1 package rice pasta

3/4 cups walnuts (Click here for benefits)

2 cups fresh basil leaves

3-4 garlic cloves pressed

1/4 cup olive oil/virgin, cold pressed

2 teaspoons umeboshi vinegar (Click here for benefits)

Place walnuts in food processor or blender; add basil and garlic; blend to thick paste.

Gradually add olive oil. umeboshi vinegar until smooth and creamy.

Serve over pasta with salad.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

~ Mmm, Tasty Little Nuggets

"The Spiritual Muse often wears disguises when teaching us lessons." MOM