Friday, January 6, 2012


Everything man-made in our world was once a thought. These thoughts are constantly streaming through our minds and have the power to manifest into an action and/or a creation. 

The way to harness this power is to have clarity on what it is we choose to attract or create. If you ever had any doubt about the importance of meditating think about the power of your thoughts. 

We're energetic, magnetic beings and are constantly attracting like-minded people to ourselves. Look around you... are you surrounding yourself with positive up-beat people or are you attracting negativity? 

One way to harness your power is to turn off your TV, IPAD, computer games, etc. and become an inward explorer. In a previous posting "BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY"* I wrote about the many paths to meditation. Meditation is concentrating on one object and continuing to train the mind to "return" to this focal point. You can meditate by sitting still, breathing and watching the breath, or walking in nature and being one with the sounds, smells, and sights that Mother Earth so graciously bestows. It can even be washing the dishes or car and focusing on the movements of hands, sudsy soap formations, and sounds of splashing water. 

It's all about stopping the fleeting thoughts and in doing so, warping time and space to a slower pace. This is the pathway to the quiet and contemplative place within you. This inner, core space of peace and serenity is your "power-source" as you connect with awareness and positive energy. If you commit to this practice for just 5 minutes every day for 2 weeks you will notice a shift in your thinking.

If you continue... your entire life will forever be transformed as you learn to harness the ability to manifest with clarity.