Friday, May 1, 2009


Spring has sprung and so have the allergies associated with this season of cleansing and rebirth.  I never had allergies before I moved to Northern California where we're blessed with seven micro-climates and it seems as though Mother Nature is alive and well. 

The plant allergies affect my eyes more than my sinuses. I would take Wellesley (our mascot) for his daily walk and we'd often find ourselves in town.  I would constantly be wiping the tears from my watery eyes. If you have read my other posts you probably realize I'm pretty friendly. I actually like to speak with people waiting on line in my local coffee shop. I would find myself beginning the conversation with " I'm really happy and my eyes are weeping with joy" as I dabbed away the tears.

Since using the neti pot first thing in the morning ~ I'm tear free. It's a miracle attaining relief without prescription drugs. And by flushing out your sinus cavity you're helping your immune system fight off colds. 

All you need is: 
  • Distilled water
  • Neti pot 
  • Sinus/saline solution (easily found on internet or health store) 
  • Sink
  • Tissues 
  • Sense-of-humor
You can view a demonstration on how to use your Mighty Little Neti by clicking on the above title.

And remember what MOM says...
"It couldn't hurt!"