Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Alchemist’s Magic…Transmuting Mother’s Energy

Fall is a time to compress our energies by eliminating the unnecessary and extraneous. It's the season of flexibility and adaptability, which are crucial for staying healthy, and balanced during the colder more contracted winter months.
We can prepare for the challenges by:
~ Completing unfinished projects.
~ Communicate as we become mentally and emotionally ready for the darker, yin, winter months.
~ Setting aside extra food and fuel for the possibility of inclement weather.
~ Making our homes cozier and more inviting as we spend more time indoors.

Our ancestors realized the importance of canning, preserving and storing the fruits and vegetables from the fall harvest to sustain themselves as the earth laid fallow and the sunlight lessened. In the later months of Autumn we begin to honor this tradition and utilize Mother Earth’s energy by transmuting time spent as "inner nourishment" to release, reap and keep what works in our life. As the colder months approach we too, begin to hibernate and gather next year’s “spiritual, seeds” utilizing winter's energy to dream and gather next year’s “spiritual, seeds”, as we choose what we want to manifest in the coming new year.