Sunday, November 11, 2012


When my computer crashed it took all my spiritual practices to stay focused, savoring the present and not freak out. Especially since I've been lax in saving my files. Can you relate?

Meditation, yoga, tai chi, deep breathing, attitude adjustments and becoming a hawk helped. Now you may be wondering what I meant when I wrote "becoming a hawk." The Native Americans believe that animals, each with their unique qualities can teach and guide us. Hawk energy is the ability to hover high above one's life to "see" the entire landscape, the whole picture. And in doing so, this awareness helps in dealing with arising challenges. 

Next time a mini-crisis or shift happens, close your eyes, breath deeply then spread out your wings and soar like a hawk for a different perspective. 

(P.S. My computer is back from the Apple Hospital and it's like taking care of a newborn who has no memory.)