Monday, June 1, 2009


So here I am walking my walk, talking my talk, blogging my blog... yet, something is amiss. At the glorious age of sixty I'm needing to pay more attention to my spine. And if you're younger than me please don't scroll away from this post. More than ever, younger people have bad posture from the hours spent sitting in front of the computer with the screen lower than eye level.

Our spinal column is the brain's direct and most efficient "information" expressway; messages travel to the rest of the body as it maintains radiant health. When we have straight spines our chest cavity is opened and our internal organs are positioned correctly and can function to their optimum capacity. Consider the alternative; when the back is rounded the shoulders come forward, squeezing and constricting the inner organs. 

Before I teach my yoga, tai chi and meditation classes, I always instruct my students on how to create perfect posture:
  • Toes and heals are aligned with ankles under hip bones.
  • Weight sinking into heels as if standing in wet sand.
  • Shoulders are comfortably hinged to the torso and arms are totally relaxed.
  • Chin is level to ground and gently pushed back as if resting on a soft cloud.
  • Eyes looking forward as you scan (not downward).
  • Navel is pulled back and gently lifted upwards to create a lift through each vertebrae through top of head.
  • Toes and heals are aligned flat on floor with ankles under kneecaps.
  • Shoulders are comfortably hinged to the torso and arms are totally relaxed.
  • Chin is level to ground and gently pushed back as if resting on a soft cloud.
  • Eyes looking forward as you scan (not downward).
  • Navel is pulled back and gently lifted upwards to create a lift through each vertebrae through top of head. (Don't lean back into chair).
I have a theory... as we age we begin to "fold" forward into the fetal position. I don't know about you but I rather look at the heavens than at my feet.

By bringing this consciousness to the body and making corrections throughout the day will help you to STRAIGHTEN UP and FLY RIGHT!

Click on above title for background music as you correct your posture.